The Virtual Lab for Bird Movement Modelling

VL-BMM is being developed by SURF and the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics of the University of Amsterdam with funding from LifeWatch and the Dutch Research Council/Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO). It is a e-Science infrastructure for controlling the tracking system, downloading the data, uploading new measurement schemes, persistent storing of the data and exploring or analysing the measurements of the UvA-BiTS.

Note that access to the database via the webportal has changed as of spring 2023. If you are connecting to the database for the first time via the new PGAdmin portal you will need to establish a new database connection as follows:

0. Go to and log in with your e-Ecology credentials
1. Click on “Add New Server”
2. In “General” tab fill out the fields as following:
Name: UvA-BiTS
3. In the “Connection” tab fill out the fields as following:
Host name / address:
Port: 5432
Maintenance DB: eecology
4. Fill in your username and password in the “Connection” tab
5. Press “Save”

In principle, access to the Virtual Lab is restricted to registered users. These users can control the base station and set measurement parameters through Remote System Control (using LogMeIn) or download their data through Data Transfer (using Dropbox). The data from the Lesser Black-backed Gull that visited Amsterdam has been “donated” to accommodate guests who want to have a look at the functionality of the database, kmz-generator, and script wrapper. When you enter user name guest and password guest you can access the data of the Lesser Black-backed Gull with ID=1 for the period 26 June 2010 to 30 June 2010.